Software Expert Installation - Next Steps

This guide covers the next steps after receiving free Sonoran ONE resource installation with your Sonoran Servers Windows Server or Expert Installation.

Before you proceed...

If you have not done so already, please purchase a Windows Server product from us and reach out to our support team to request expert installation. This guide covers the next steps after you have completed this step...


Click the Subsection below that you would like to jump to:


Sonoran CAD

Sonoran CMS

Sonoran Radio


1. Obtain FXServer License Key

  1. Sign in to keymaster using a account.

2. Click register to register a new license key.

3. Fill in the following information using the IP address you were sent after paying for your server.

You will be given a page with your license information. Hover over the blurred out key and copy it for the next step.

2. Configure FiveM Server Installation

FXServer requires a free license key from

Once you have a FX Server license from keymaster...

  1. Open C:/FXServer/server/server.cfg with notepad.

  2. Find the line starting with sv_licenseKey

  3. Replace the text changeme with the server key from keymaster.

  4. Edit any other settings to your liking.

  5. Save the server.cfg file and start your server with the Run FivePD Server shortcut on your Desktop.

Sonoran CAD

1. Locate your Installed Plugins

Every plugin installed will have a separate folder. These are located in the \sonorancad\plugins directory.

2. View and Change Configuration Files

For every Sonoran CAD plugin installed, there will be a config_{pluginName}.lua file present.

You can open these configuration files with a text editor and change values.

For more information on a plugin's configuration options, you can view the individual plugin guides on the Available Plugins page and scroll down to the configuration section.

If you modify a configuration file, be sure to save it and restart sonorancad in your server console, or restart the server.

Sonoran CMS

1. Locate your Installed Plugins

Every CMS addon resource installed will have a separate folder. These are located in the \resources\[sonorancms] directory.

2. View and Change Configuration Files

For every Sonoran CMS addon installed, there will be a config.lua or config.json file present.

You can open these configuration files with a text editor and change values.

For more information on a plugin's configuration options, you can view the individual plugin guides on the Available Resources page and scroll down to the configuration section.

If you modify a configuration file, be sure to save it and restart the server.

Sonoran Radio

1. Locate your Installed in-game Radio files

Open the \resources\[sonoranradio]\sonoranradio directory.

2. View and Change Configuration File

For Sonoran Radio's in-game resource, there will be a config.lua file present.

You can open this configuration file with a text editor and change values.

You can open this configuration file with a text editor and change values.

For more information on the configuration options, you can view the in-game resource's guide page and scroll down to the configuration section.

If you modify a configuration file, be sure to save it and restart the server.

Last updated