Generate Server Role Tokens

Learn how to generate role keys with your Sonoran Servers TeamSpeak Server.

Web Control Panel Method

1. Login to, this should take you to your client Homepage.

2. Click your TeamSpeak Server service under "Your Active Products/Services"

3. Click Tokens on the left hand sidebar menu or scroll down to the bottom of the page to find the Tokens button as pictured below.

4. Select the role you want this new Token to grant. Then click Create.

5. Once the Token generates, copy it.

6. Open your TeamSpeak3 client and connect to your TeamSpeak server.

7. Click Permissions and then Use Permission Key from the top bar menus.

8. Paste the "Token" you generated on the TeamSpeak server control panel into the prompt. Then press OK

You should now have a success message and the role you selected to grant! Congratulations!

TeamSpeak Client Method

You MUST already have Server Admin or permissions in the TeamSpeak server in order to generate permission keys (aka Tokens). If you do not already have permissions please see the Web Control Panel Method.

1. Connect to your TeamSpeak server with your TeamSpeak3 client.

2. Click Permissions then Permission Keys from the top menus.

3. Click Create in the new window that has appeared.

4. Choose the Group/Role you want this new key to grant, enter an option Description. Then click Create at the bottom of the prompt.

5. Click the icon next to the key in order to copy it to your clipboard.

6. Distribute the new key to the user you would like to use it. Permission keys can only be used once per key. You can link them to the steps below in order to guide them on how to use the permission key.

Using a Permission Key/Token

1. Open your TeamSpeak3 client and connect to your TeamSpeak server.

2. Click Permissions and then Use Permission Key from the top bar menus.

3. Paste the "Token" you recieved into the prompt. Then press OK

You should now have a success message and the role granted! Congratulations!

Last updated